Lena Derhally Book Media:
Crime Talk With Scott Reisch: Why Chris Watts Did What He Did, The Psychology Explained By Author Lena Derhally.
Crime Talk With Scott Reisch: Lena discusses the Letecia Stauch case as well as the mental health crisis including loneliness, postpartum, depression, motherhood and martyrdom.Watch now!

Lena was interviewed on the Podcast, The Domestic Violence Discussion where she discusses emotional abuse, how it relates to the Watts case, and what we can do to prevent future tragedies. The DVD Discussion podcast is on Spotify, Google, Apple and Overcast.

Law and Crime Trial Network: “Buried With Love Season 2: The Watts Family Murders.”

Film Daily: Was Chris Watts “insane” when he killed his pregnant wife and children?
A&E True Crime Interview with Lena Derhally: Chris Watts Killed His Family After Weeks of Planning. Does That Make Him a Typical Family Annihilator?
Therapy and General Interest:

4 Ways to Stay Connected to Your Partner After Kids
The Importance of Childhood Friendships, and How to Nurture Them
Imago Center Blog
My Blog at the Imago Center/PC&CC
Support for Domestic Violence
Editorial Reviews
This is a well written and truly riveting story presented in such a way that you felt you were intimately connected with everyone involved. I could not put this book down as Derhally tackled the most upsetting question of “Why?” in a factual account of what happened in the Chris Watts case. She combined it with an enlightening exploration of the differences between narcissism, sociopaths and psychopaths in such a way, it left you with concrete information to base your own opinion on what drives people to do what they do. The red flags are a must read in order to assist each of us in recognizing dysfunctional patterns of behaviors and how to protect ourselves from being a victim.
Susan Krebs, author of ES Thinking: Extraordinary Living Through Ego Spirit Thinking
“This is a True Crime book that’s extremely well written.”
Bizarre Brunette Blog
MY DADDY IS A HERO is a well researched and compelling book. I think readers who are intrigued by true crime stories will find the first portion especially captivating due to the extensive details of the story. The analysis will appeal more to those who seek motivation and reasoning behind a seemingly baffling crime. The book held my attention and interest all the way through, and I recommend it to those readers who were transfixed, as I was, by this horrific crime.
– Roses are Blue Blog
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